When In Doubt, Always Follow your Nose
Student Project - Solo Developer - 1 Month
Case Study
Mechanics and Objectives
The level was supposed to present a level mechanic and multiple objectives for the player to interact with during the level's progression. I decided to use the player's magical staff for all the objectives, and I created different uses for the Staff.
The Log Cabin
The player starts at the Log Cabin, and can already interact with the windows, the lamps, and the Fireplace. To progress in the level, the player also must traverse the gap in the staircase by levitating one of the planks and rotating and moving them to effectively form a bridge.
The main level objectives are to plant the seeds and throw the axes on the targets. That is done by levitating the seeds and releasing them on top of the prepared soil area, picking up the axes, and throwing them at the targets.
Levitating and Moving Obstacles
During playtesting, other players found fun in just moving stuff around, and because of that, I built a new path through the middle of the level where players were required to move logs out of the way, and also get half of a bridge and rotate them in place so that they could cross the river.
Scripting Presentation:
Project Gallery

This level was designed for the Project and Portfolio IV class at Full Sail University. The project's guidelines encouraged students to keep their levels small and with non-linear gameplay. I decided to design an immersive SIM where the player plays as a Mage, and can interact with different objects from a distance using a magical staff.
My Work
Designed, prototyped, and implemented Interactions, Levitation, Throwing, and Rotating mechanics, using Blueprints Visual Scripting.
Designed, documented, and created levels to showcase mechanics and objectives. Level created using Unreal Engine 5's modeling tool.
Conceptualized and iterated Level Objectives based on playtesting sessions' feedback.